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Learning and development experiences for agile organisations

Motivation series

Engagement is fuelled by motivation, and together they create a virtuous cycle. And like engagement, motivation is deeply personal, shaped by universal human needs and coloured by individual values. And it's highly susceptible to the uncertainties and anxieties wrought by a fast-changing world. The motivation series of one-hour workshops drop leaders and managers into short, sharp experiences that build understanding and skills to harness the complex forces that drive, and hinder, motivation. They fit into a lunch hour or easily slot into a busy working day, getting immediately to the point. While each workshop centres on an intriguing aspect of motivational science, there’s nothing academic about the approach. The whole experience is grounded in application in order to facilitate experiential learning and develop practical, actionable take-home strategies. Participants readily connect the learnings and insights to their workplace needs and practices. The workshops are available for immediate booking, and half, full and multi-day trainings are also available on request.


Motivation: what lies beneath?

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What are the hidden motivations that derail progress and how do you cultivate an environment that fosters self awareness, cohesion and commitment?


Fight, flight or (in)sight?

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Stressful situations provoke impulsive behaviours that cause conflict, mistakes and stalled progress. How do you work with human nature to keep your team’s eyes on the prize?


Have your cake, or eat it?

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It’s human nature to seek reward and avoid risk, making trade-offs inevitable. How do you lead your team to make balanced decisions when motivations are in conflict?


Meeting your team’s needs

Everyone on your team is a unique individual. Yet the science of motivation shows us that their needs are not so different from each other’s. How do you structure your workplace to meet those needs?


When it’s wrong to be right

Being right feels great. It fuels motivation and confidence. But what happens when others are just as convinced you’re wrong? Stalemates and friction stall progress, waste energy and divide teams.


No reward without risk

Reward-seeking is an evolutionary success strategy. So is its counterpoint: loss avoidance. When opportunity knocks and both strategies come into play, which should take the driver’s seat?


Motivation mastery for leaders

Mastering motivation is the key to unlocking your team’s potential. But what does it take to inspire, sustain, and recharge motivation in a fast-changing world?

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