Dan Thurston Crow may be able to help you with:
Strategy and planning
You either know where your organisation is heading, or you don’t. You know what you and your stakeholders and your customers value, need and want, or you don’t. You know what effective leadership, satisfying operational performance, and cohesive teamwork looks like ... or you don’t.
If you *do* know all this, Dan can help you use that knowledge to improve your outcomes.
If you don’t, he can help you gather and deploy the intelligence that enables you and your people to make confident, well informed decisions and actions.
Training and facilitation
Management guru Jack Welch noted that “if the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near”. Keeping up in this era of sweeping and accelerated change without stumbling into chaos demands the best from leaders and their teams.
Dan specialises in engagement. He teaches executives how to connect teams to organisational goals and, even more importantly, cultivate commitment in the face of the setbacks that are inevitable in a constantly changing environment.
For more tactical or specific needs, ask about facilitation.
To be a leader is to be experienced, expert and composed. But no one is an island. In the face of what is often an isolating and thankless role, even the most balanced and able leader deserves access to a reliable space in which to offload, to reflect and to grapple with the complexities and contradictions they encounter on a regular basis. The accountability demanded by a coach offers discipline not readily available to them in the workplace.
Alongside 3- and 6-month coaching programs (in person or online), Dan also offers in-person problem-solving sessions on demand.
Some organisations that have worked with Dan